MF launches "West Japan Time Distribution and Audit Center"
INTERNET MULTIFEED CO. ("MF"; Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Koichi Suzuki) announced today that the company, who has been providing TimeFEED, a standard time distribution and audit service, since January 2006, has set up a new time distribution and audit center in western Japan, in addition to the existing one located in eastern Japan. This launch contributes to making time sources on customers' networks or systems redundant, improving their stability, and preparing disaster recovery, along with taking countermeasures against serious problems for eastern Japan in the TimeFEED service.
With the launch of the West Japan Time Distribution and Audit Center, customers can connect to either that in eastern Japan (East Japan Time Distribution and Audit Center) or to the West Japan Time Distribution and Audit Center, or both, to use the TimeFEED service.
MF's new system configuration that now includes the West Japan Time Distribution and Audit Center has received TA (Time Authority) accreditation (change) in the Accreditation Program for Time-stamping Services (*1) that has already been accredited by the Nippon Information Communications Association (NICA).
MF will continue to contribute to the development of the time business in its efforts to achieve a safe, secure IT society.
(Note 1) The licensing system established by the Nippon Information Communications Association for time distribution and time verification businesses, in accordance with the "Time Business Guideline," ( which was established by the Ministry of Internal Affairs and Communications on November 5, 2004, to promote configuration of network environments that can be utilized by everyone while feeling safe, distribution of information, and long-term safe storage of electronic data. Reference: Time Business Licensing Center, Nippon Information Communications Association ( For more information about the TimeFEED service, visit >
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