JPNAP6 IPv6 IX Trial Service Period Extended
TOKYO -- INTERNET MULTIFEED CO. (MFEED; Head Office: Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo; President and CEO: Koichi Suzuki), which began JPNAP6 trial service in June 2002, announced today that the trial service period is being extended to the end of September 2003.
Providers currently connecting to JPNAP6 and using the trial service include BIGLOBE, DTI, IIJ, InterVia/DreamNet, MEX, NTT/Verio, OCN, XePhion/WAKWAK, and MFEED. Also planning to connect to the service are @nifty/FENICS and InfoSphere. By continuing with this trial service, MFEED hopes to promote further growth of the IPv6 market, test and verify next-generation network quality, and accumulate the necessary operations technology.
About JPNAP6
Distributed Internet interexchange (IX) service supporting IPv6 (Internet Protocol Version 6).
Service class
Fast Ethernet (100Base-TX)
Port use charge
Free of charge during the trial service period
Connection points
NTT Otemachi Building and Tokyo Sankei Building
INTERNET MULTIFEED CO. was established in September 1997, funded by Japan's leading ISPs and Internet content providers. As a pioneer of Internet Data Center (IDC) services in Japan, the company is a leading promoter of content distribution over the Internet. Its JPNAP IX service is the first commercial interexchange in Japan to provide 10 Gbps interface support, and forms an important part of the infrastructure on which the Internet has been able to enjoy rapid, sound growth into the broadband era.
[PDF]For more information, please contact:
INTERNET MULTIFEED CO. Public Relations Office
TEL: 03-3282-1010
FAX: 03-3282-1020